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Universal Life Insurance

Universal Life Insurance

Universal life insurance now offers "term-like" rates for your whole life. When buying life insurance in the past, most people chose term insurance because it seems to be the most cost-effective plan to cover a period of time when they need the maximum insurance. In the past, the longest guaranteed period offered by insurance companies was 30 years. Sometimes, depending on age, the maximum might drop to 20, or even 10 years.

When a life insurance need is indeterminate or lifetime, such as making sure your family will receive insurance proceeds at death no matter how old you are, the three main options were whole life, a combination of whole life and term, or In order to guarantee rates to 100, one needed to pay approximately double what a normal projected rate might be for a whole life and term combination, universal life, or the guaranteed whole life rate.

Many companies have now come out with a universal life insurance plan with premiums payable to age 100 and coverage that stays in force until age 120, or longer. The rates are completely guaranteed and can never be increased, regardless of the interest rates paid by the insurance company, or the mortality charges. These rates are approximately the same as the universal life or whole life and term combination bought on a low cost basis.

How can the insurance companies magically guarantee plans that could never be guaranteed before? The answer is that the death benefits are reinsured by "reinsurance companies" which charge the insurance company the approximate equivalent of a guaranteed term rate to age 85.

In the past, when an individual bought a universal life insurance policy, that plan stood on its own and had to stay in force based on its own earnings and guarantees. The new program puts the risk on the reinsurer and they pool these policies with thousands of other people buying similar insurance. Therefore, if the average person lives to age 85, insurance companies will not only not lose money, they make money as they always do.

Recently, I worked with a client, age 60, who wanted a 30-year term policy. This person had some medical issues and would be rated standard with most companies. The annual cost of 30-year term insurance was approximately $4,800 and the cost of term to 100 was $4,600. The term insurance built no cash value at all and the term to 100, based on a universal life insurance policy, built up substantial cash values. In this situation, it made no sense to take the term insurance when the universal life insurance was cheaper and provided cash values in the event the insurance was no longer needed.

When looking at your insurance needs, don't be afraid of the cost of permanent coverage. The new universal life insurance plans are almost magical in the way that they can guarantee rates to 100, compared to regular guaranteed level term insurance.

Life Insurance Rate

Life Insurance Rate

The life insurance rate you were quoted last month is mostly likely not available anymore. That's because a lot of companies have raised the life insurance rate over the past six months. Why? Because the life insurance rate is very sensitive to the availability of credit, and life insurance companies have been strapped for cash, just like every other business in America.

Life insurance companies have to borrow to finance the first few years of a policy's life, because the life insurance rate is set low due to competition. The policy loses money during the first few years due to acquisition costs, including the marketing, sales, and underwriting that the company must perform to obtain the business.

Here is an example from a life insurance company who raised the rate in May. This is for a male non-smoker age 40, who wished to buy $500,000 of 30 year term life insurance. The life insurance rate had been $655 per year in April, but it was increased to $695 in May. This is a one month increase of 6%. It gets even worse for older clients and for large face amounts. Considering the same individual wanting to obtain $2,000,000 in coverage, the life insurance rate would be $2,740, a 14% increase over the previous rate of $2,410.

Why is the rate increase so much bigger for large face amounts? Because life insurance companies depend on re-insurance companies when underwriting large policies. Re-insurance companies act as wholesalers to the retail companies who need to spread the risk on larger amounts of coverage. Re-insurance companies, who have even larger capital requirements, are being hit even harder by the credit crunch. They are responding by aggressively raising the life insurance rate needed to cover the capital.

If you are currently in the market, don't let the life insurance rate go up any more before you decide on a policy. Act now to avoid future rate increases. Not all companies have increased the life insurance rate yet, but you can bet on one thing: they will. You should start your comparison shopping right now. Just follow this link to get a list of the top 15 companies and rates for your requirements:


Term or Whole Life Insurance?

Term life insurance, also called temporary insurance, covers a person against death for a limited time, the term. For example, the term might be until children are grown, or until college is paid for, or until retirement. You pay for the policy period and at the end of the term, the contract or policy expires. If no claims are made against the policy during the term, you don't receive any benefits after the policy expires, just like auto or homeowners insurance.

Whole life insurance, also called permanent insurance, is permanent and does not expire (assuming you continue to pay the premiums). It provides coverage similar to term life insurance, but it also provides an investment vehicle. A portion of the premium goes for life insurance, while the rest goes into an investment account. This account can be an interest bearing account or a variable (stocks and bonds) investment account.

Which is better (our opinion)? A young family with large financial obligations is usually better off with a term life insurance policy. The substantially lower premiums enable them to purchase sufficient coverage to protect against loss of income. Any discretionary investment funds can be placed in other vehicles (mutual funds, money market accounts, etc.) that are likely to generate returns similar to or better than a life insurance policy. Whole life insurance is often purchased by people for tax and estate planning purposes. Recently, some advisors have started recommending. You should consult with your financial advisor.

About Budget Life

The following term life insurance companies head up theBudget Life Top 15: Ohio National Life Assurance Corporation, Transamerica Life Insurance Company, Savings Bank Life Insurance Company of MA, Western Reserve Life Insurance Company of OH, AXA Equitable Life Insurance Company, Genworth Life and Annuity Insurance Company. We use a third party database of the best term life insurance companies to rank in terms of lowest life insurance rates. We can also provide whole and term life insurance quotes online.

Term life insurance rates have been dropping steadily in response to increased competition. Term life insurance is a commodity, and improved access to online life insurance quotes information, such as at this Web site, is making it even more so. Whether to use life insurance as an investment is a separate decision; but for the lowest life insurance cost, which is term insurance, why pay more than you have to?

Budget Life also lets you obtain term life insurance quotesfrom independent agents. A life insurance agent who uses our database can ensure that you receive the lowest life insurance rates, rather than just a quote for one life insurance company. Term life insurance quotes are commodities, so be sure to get the best term. Some can also provide for impaired risk life insurance.

About Life Insurance

Paying for life insurance hurts! But few can do without it. The key is to buy life insurance only for losses that you can not replace, such as your income. Avoid narrowly defined life insurance policies that only cover specific loss of life, such as accidents, plane crashes or cancer. You're better off with insurance for any loss of life for a small increase in premium.

Don't skimp on life insurance. But remember that people with no dependents may not need life insurance policies at all. To estimate the amount of a life insurance policy, use our . Most life insurance consultants estimate five to ten times your annual income.Costs two to three times as much as non-smoker.

Jane Bryant Quinn advises how to find the best term life insurance quotes in Budget Life uses the Term4Sale database recommended by Ms.Quinn for term life insurance comparisons.

Make sure your policy has an option for This option will enable you to access your life insurance policy if you contract a terminal illness.

Choosing an Agent

Almost all life insurance companies sell their products through agents, rather than directly to the public. Some companies use "captive" agents, who can only represent one company. For insurance with a competitive life insurance company (such as those featured at this site) you will use an independent, who is free to represent several companies. Whether you need a term life or whole life insurance quote, the agent can help you find the best life insurance policy.

You should first obtain online including for, before making a decision
